EMOFACE Play & Learn Emotions
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App description

Embark on an emotional journey with Emoface!

Long description:

🚀 Embark on an emotional journey with Emoface!
Explore ​​six basic emotions: happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger from facial expressions to social contexts. Emoface Play & Learn Emotions helps in recognizing and understanding emotions, in particular by detailing facial features and by putting emotions in context.

📱Why Emoface and who is it for?
Emoface Play & Learn Emotions is an app designed to help children and young adults understand and learn emotions. Initially developed for people with autism spectrum disorders, the app can also be useful for anyone who wants to improve their skills and emotional intelligence.

🏡🏥 The app is for:
Healthcare professionals, due to the difficulties that users face in recognizing emotions, as well as in understanding them, contextual or not.

✅ The app is suitable for:
Youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) verbal AND non-verbal;
Youth with neurodevelopmental disorders (ND);
To people with intellectual disabilities;
But also with all people who need to work on their emotions

🤓 What skills does a child need to play?
The child will need to know how to:
To tick/mark (for playing games, answering exercises);
To listen (the instructions are also audio, allowing users who cannot speak/listen to use Emoface),
To choose (to provide answers / to play).

👉 What type of activities does the app contain?
The app contains 5 features: modes, courses, games, statistics, and animated visual support.

1️⃣ Modes
“Learner” mode: play independently
“Profile and settings” mode: management of parameters and personalization of the different profiles

2️⃣ Courses
150 exercises: 30 levels of 15 activities each
Progressive course: expressions, facial features, emotions, emotions in context, validation of acquired knowledge
Learning notebook: you get a new badge at the end of each level

3️⃣ Games
5 fun activities with infinite content different for each use
2 levels: beginner and advanced
Choose the emotion you want to work on
Take your own pictures to customize your games

4️⃣ Statistics
Track each learner's progress in real time
General statistics: average and total playing time, most played emotion, date of the last session
Statistics by worked emotions and by activities
Automatically generated graphics
Data kept for at least a year

5️⃣ Visual support
6 static and animated expressive 3D avatars
Photos of expressive faces
Pictograms of each emotion
Contextual images (situations related to different emotions)
Camera feedback: learn to imitate, reproduce, and generalize to oneself

🤔 And how much is it?
We offer two types of subscriptions for families and professionals with a free 14 day trial period!
Check the app for annual and monthly rates.

About Emoface
Emoface is a French company which started as a research spinoff. Emoface offers adapted digital tools, aiming to put technological innovation and design at the service of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and of any person with socio-emotional difficulties. Our mission is to promote social inclusion for all, for a society where everyone has their place.

Developed in close collaboration with more than 600 beta testers, Emoface Play & Learn Emotions is intended for professionals (Psychologists, Neuropsychologists, Speech therapists, Specialized educators, Psychomotor therapists, etc.) and caregivers wishing to work on socio-emotional skills.

🤗 Do you need help? We are here for you!
The Emoface team is here for you. We can help you with more information and the support you need to embark on the journey through the world of emotions with your child.

Emoface: https://www.emoface.fr/en/
Contact: https://www.emoface.fr/en/contact/
FAQ: https://www.emoface.fr/en/support/


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