Niki Story
Niki Story
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App description

Niki Story is an application to easily create multimedia social stories, photo albums, talking books, schedules, task sequences…

Long description:

Each page can contain pictures, text, text in symbols (pictograms), voice recording, video and drawings (made directly on the screen with your finger).


Especially, Niki Story helps people with communication difficulties and behavior problems: expanding the vocabulary, improving understanding, stimulating narrative ability, supporting thinking and memory, encouraging autonomy, inclusion and participation in the life contexts.


- Create your stories

- Customize title and cover

- Add pages and contents (pictures, text, text in symbols, video)

- Drag contents on the position you wish and pinch to resize

- Customize text size, color and alignment

- Draw on the pages with your finger

- Add a narrative to each page with voice recording

- Create categories to better organize your stories

- Play pre-built (PDF) stories

- Import/Export stories through iTunes File Sharing


Distribution platform:


Participant profile:


*Registration required


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Apps Reviews

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*Organization name:
*Organization description:
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Organization image or logo:
Maximum file size: 1 MB

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Personal information

*User nickname:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Confirm password:
Maximum file size: 5 MB

Only png, jpg, gif or webp files of less than 5MB

Date of birth:
Phone number:

*Information is required