ICT-AAC e-Galerija
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App description

The application of ICT AAC e-gallery allows stacking story through a series of thumbnails.

Long description:

The application of ICT AAC e-gallery allows stacking story through a series of thumbnails that can be photos taken with the integrated camera device, image galleries from devices or symbols from the three non-commercial gallery (ARAASAC, Mulberry and Sclera).

Each frame can be attributed to text and audio clip describing the appropriate part of the story. The sound is played back by pressing the thumbnail image in playback story. Besides viewing the existing and creating new stories, the application contains two games: "Sort story" and "Remove intruders". In the game "Sort story" the user has to sort mixed thumbnails of selected stories in the right order, while in the game "Spot the Odd" user must select the images that do not belong to the story. Application settings allow user to adjust the font size and the size of thumbnails, automatic rotation of the story and change the background color, frame images and text.


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