ICT-AAC Pisalica
ICT-AAC Pisalica
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App description

The ICT-AAC Pisalica app facilitates the teaching of the correct writing of large and small prints (graphs) that are not sufficiently represented in available applications.

Long description:

It is well known that knowing and naming letters, with phonological awareness, is one of the most important preconditions for reading readership. Apart from naming letters, children are expected to master the correct orientation of writing letters and writing rules for each letter at the beginning of their education. However, children of preschool age often try to write letters according to the examples they see in their surroundings (eg from picture books, newspapers, jumbo posters). Children often remember the wrong orientation of letters (known as Mirroring) or the wrong writing direction. Such misleading writing is often difficult to correct. The application is intended for pre-school and school children.

Use the app

On the home screen of the application, it is possible to choose whether to write large or small prints, after which an overview of all the large or small Croatian alphabetic letters followed by the current curriculum from the Croatian language. Selecting a single letter opens an overview where the letter is displayed in fullscreen. Each letter shows arrows showing the correct direction of writing. By dragging the arrow on the arrows, the child prints a certain form of letter, and in a modern and fun way he overcame the foretelling of writing.


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