App description
App to help those people with difficulties to communicate verbally and with hearing problems to be included in society and handle daily with greater ease.
Long description:
If you have one of these difficulties, downloading this application you can improve your quality of life, just by pressing a button!
◉ Text to speech converter, so your cell phone speaks for you.
◉ Voice to text converter, so you can read what people around you say.
◉ Function to enlarge the letter.
◉ Quick access buttons to emergency phrases, so you do not waste time writing them.
◉ Explanatory button, so that the people you want to communicate with understand how the app works.
◉ Creation of personalized buttons with personal data and at ease.
◉ Pictograms screen for those who are not literate
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Distribution platform:
Participant profile:
*Free technical mode
*Registration required
*Internet connection required
Apps Reviews
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