App description
A comprehensive range of educational cards for young children offers many hours of fun.
Long description:
The terms were carefully selected under the supervision of primary school teachers. Pictures are beautiful photos and everything is spoken by a pleasant female voice.
The first six lessons are completely free, the full version costs $ 5.
Our other educational games for kids:
Detailed application description:
Sets of cards:
- Colors
- Wild animals
- Music, instruments
- Pets
- Fruit
- Forest animals
- Numbers from 0 to 10
- Activities
- Sports / Games and Athletes
- School
- Numbers 11-20
- Numbers 10, 100, 1000
- Vegetables
- Occupation
- Means of transport
- Hospitals
- Footwear
- Tools and gardening tools
- People and costumes
- Skiing
- Fruit 2
- Vegetables 2
- Flowers
- Animals in the Czech Republic
- Plants (meadow flowers)
- Trees (flowers)
- Trees (leaves)
- Cars
- Sea
Includes talking memory game and viewing all cards. You can use the microphone to test the words in the image. It is also a simple speech therapy tool. The program will record all the "Know" errors and offer them to practice, so learning new things is even faster.
Distribution platform:
Participant profile:
*Paid technical mode
Apps Reviews
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