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App description

Tab'Lucioles: an application to easily cultivate links with the most dependent or isolated people.

Long description:

The tablucioles.reseau-lucioles.org website and its application for tablets allow "Caregivers" (families, professionals, loved ones) to share simply, privately and securely with "Beneficiaries" (people with highly dependent disabilities and seniors with autonomy difficulties) photos with written and audio commentary, videos and music.
The tablet (which automatically synchronizes with the website), allows the beneficiary, even if he has great motor or intellectual difficulties, to leaf through by a simple touch of the screen (adjustable), the albums which are shared with him by his relatives or professionals who accompany him.
Tab'Lucioles is an easy-to-use app designed to give a new space of autonomy to people in the most difficulty by providing them with motivating content imagined by their loved ones. Through the albums created by them, the person with a disability, the dependent senior can for example revisit a past event, a great outing organized by their ESMS or highlights of their life.
Tab'Lucioles can also be used as a digitized life book or be used as a Jukebox for dependent people.
The use of the site and the app on tablet Tab'Lucioles is free and was created by Réseau-Lucioles with the voluntary help of the company INETUM


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