ICT-AAC Mala Glaskalica
ICT-AAC Mala Glaskalica
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App description

The ICT-AAC Mala Glaskalica application helps to master phonological awareness, which is one of the basic pre-skills of reading.

Long description:

The ICT-AAC Mala Glaskalica application helps to master phonological awareness, which is one of the basic pre-skills of reading. In this sense, it includes recognizing the first, last or all sounds of a word. In order to enable gradual learning, the application differentiates the tasks according to the complexity of the words. In total, users have at their disposal six possible "difficulties" of the game in which they guess the votes on more than 100 selected words. Next to each given word, users are shown a thumbnail representing a term that corresponds to the given word. It is possible to pronounce the whole word as well as to spell the word word by word. ICT-AC Little Glaskalica is a specially adapted version of the popular application ICT-AAC Glaskalica according to the requirements of the Association of OKO Parents and the Croatian Community for Down Syndrome.


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