Logic, Memory & Concentration
Logic, Memory & Concentration
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App description

A bundle of 4 games to train attention, memory, logic and other brain functions in a fun way.

Long description:

An Artist's Mistake
Develops attention, cognitive processes, and imagination. Silly pictures fit the sense of humor of children. Kids needs to spot the mistakes in the pictures.

Develops spatial cognition and logic. There are four tiles on the screen, each showing a piece from a different picture. The goal is to change the pieces of pictures until all the tiles show pieces of the same picture.

Trains spatial thinking and perception. The picture is split into four tiles which can be rotated. The goal is to rotate the tiles in order to make a whole image.

Memory game
Trains attention and visual memory. There are cards on the table lying face down. Each round, the player can flip 2 cards. If the flipped cards have the same picture on the other side, they stay face up. Otherwise they get flipped back. The goal is to match all the cards.

The difficulty of the games makes them accessible for preschool children ages 3-4 years old. 3-4 year olds can play these games alone, yet the assistance of an adult may be encouraging for the kids at the start. Adults should try these games too: they are simple and fun for the whole family!


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